Owner Tales
Salma Hasyimah Azhar.
Monday, December 3, 2012 | 9:13 PM | 0 wink
Mak jahh. Mak Dak. Kak tii

Sometimes friends can be seen from many sides. Good side and Bad side. Salma, she's my dormate, classmate, lockermate, bombastic and everything. She's soo hyper. Not so weird. But she's unique. Friend of friends.

Mahh loves lamb. Just like me. She's quite emo but she laugh like PONTIANAK. A girl who can dancing when study and sing a song when sadness came. Really love food but she very fit.

Been friend for 2 year and still counting. Miss her. Also her violet too. And teddy that can't sit. Lulz ~ The moment when she stand on chair and she cried. Ahh! If I can back to the past. I'll stand on the chair w her. hahahahaha. No idea. Juz give some pic.

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Walkie Talkie

Big Thanks
Skin By Cikin
Edited By Salma Hasyimah.
Owner is Anis Atiqah